We had the best day on Saturday! We celebrated the quads birthday with our families and it was so special!! We can not believe how time flys ( I know everyone says that but it is sooo true!!) I was Dr. Marshall's today for their one year check ups (I only take two at a time otherwise it is just to much for me to be able to really focus on each baby) and we were talking about how blessed we are! I look at these babies and can not believe how well things have turned out. We give God the glory every single day!!!! The only thing Dr. Marshall mentioned was Lauren's weight. She wants her to gain a pound this month. I know that does not sound like much, but the month before she only gained an ounce. Other than that, they look great!!!
Current Stats:
Gavin: 19 lbs 7 oz. 29 1/2 inches
Reese: 18 lbs. 7oz. 29 1/2 inches
( I don't think this is right because she is def. not the same as Gav and Maggie)
Maggie: 19 lbs 6 oz. 29 1/4 inches
Lauren: 14 lbs 27 inches.
We have a ton of birthday pics. We had to capture every moment!!!! The theme was "Our sweathearts are turning one" I can't say that Jon loved it but they are only one and do not know the difference.




Aunt Risa and Gavin

I love this picture!

Maggie and I

Look at all of our presents. I think we are a little spoiled!!

Maggie looking for her gifts!! What a cute little bottom!!

Lauren showing off her new Emu's from Aunt Risa. She is very loved!!!

Lauren is saying "get back this is mine"

The Cake
Thanks Russ Ann!!!

Everyone had their own cake with their initial!!

Our entire fam!! Sorry the picture is a little blured.

Gavin eating his cake
He loved it!!!

Lauren mostly checked hers out.
She is the one I was hoping that would eat it!! :)Lets pack on the pounds!!

Maggie looking at every piece very carefully!

Reese enjoying it just like her mommy!!

Grandpa Michaels feeding Maggie
We are looking forward to this year and being so much more active!!