Sunday, March 30, 2008
Pray for Lauren to Get Off Her Ventilator!!
How the others are doing:
Gavin = 5 lbs Reese = 4 lbs Maggie = 4 lbs
All three are working on their bottles and coming along really well!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Quads have been making great strides in just one week. It's amazing to see how much they change on a daily basis. They are continuing to gain weight each day, about 1 oz. a day! Here are their current weights:
Lauren - 2lbs 9.5oz
Gavin - 4lbs 5 oz
Maggie - 3lbs 11.9 oz
Reese - 3lbs 9 oz
Lauren has been doing so well. Since she has outgrown her first vent tube they have increased the size of the tube which has seemed to have made a huge difference for the better. They have her on the lowest vent settings, which means she doing most of the work on her own. Dr. Stratton would like to see her gain a little more weight before they try to take her off the vent again. She has been such a fighter over the last week and is determined to get off her vent! We just love watching her grow every day!
Gavin now has a little company in his bed! Maggie and Reese have crashed the party:) This is great news considering Maggie and Reese are now in a crib. They have done great in room air with very few problems. Gavin, pretty reserved, seems to be taken things in stride.
All the grandparents have had an opportunity to hold their grandbabies. Once Lauren is in a crib, they will have the opportunity to hold all the babies. They look so cute together! We just need Lauren to jump in the middle to make this slumber party complete!
(from the left: Maggie, Gavin, Reese)
Easter Sunday with Our Great NICU Staff ! - Linda, Tiff, Valerie, Jess, and Brittany
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Gavin Graduates To A Crib
Sweet Lauren is still doing great on her ventilator. She continues to stay on the lowest settings. We just pray for her lungs to develop, that she continues to get bigger and stronger.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Last Monday they attempted to take Lauren (2lbs 2oz) off her last ventilator. She was quick to tell us and the doctors that she's not quite ready. She lasted about 10 minutes until they put the ventilator back on. It was at least worth the shot! She is still on the lowest settings for the ventilator, which is a good thing. Our doctor would like to see her put on another 8 oz (1/2 lbs) before they try taking the ventilator off. The weight should translate into more strength.
Maggie (3lbs 1oz) and Reese (3 lbs even) are back together again. They started co-bedding again on Wednesday. They are so cute together. Reese appears to be the affectionate one, always putting her hand or leg on Maggie. As we left tonight Reese was trying to suck Maggie's hand.
Gavin (3lbs 11oz) has been his same old self. He's enjoying his own bed, stretching out and opening his eyes a lot more as of late. Today they officially took him off the oxygen pressure. He's doing everything on his own and doing great. It's nice to see them slowly take away the tubes.
We are seeing our prayers answered daily and even hourly!!! This road is a long one, yet God's grace has made this journey all worth while. Jon and I would not trade this for the world!!!!
Friday, March 7, 2008
First Times....
Lauren's first cuddle with Mommy!
Aunt Heather's first peek at Maggie and Reese
Tiff getting the morning quad updates from Nurse Deb
Reese's little behind
Grandpa Samuels first touch - with Maggie
Sunday, March 2, 2008
...that they've become roomies!
...and from time to time roomies must share!
I'm a little biased, but it's got to be the cutest thing you've ever seen!
We continue to ask for your prayers for all the quads, especially Lauren! We have met a wonderful couple here in Champaign, Dave and Helen Leverton. Their son Austin is going through very similar phases as Lauren. Please pray for them as well. I know there are a lot of prayer warriors our there and we appreciate you very much!
Here are a couple of the prayer quilts from 2nd Presbyterian Church. We love them and what they represent!