Ok, so you are most likely thinking Tiffany goes from never blogging to now everyday! We are getting to such a wonderful schedule at home. I have to thank Katie Fulton for this awesome book she introduced me to. It is called Healthy Sleeping Habits, Happy Child. It has been amazing!!!! We now have a sleeping schedule!!! Yay!!! The quads take two naps a day in their cribs and one down stairs in the living room. We do our last feeding at around 6:30-7 p.m. and then put them to bed!! It totally works and they are much happier babies. We were trying to keep them up longer so that they would sleep later, man we were wrong. They still sleep until at least 6:00 a.m. !!! We are usually waking up Reese and Gavin at 6:30!
Yesterday we had a thunderstorm, here are the babies watching the rain and lighting from the living room window. I ran outside to catch this pic. It might be hard to see but we thought it was so cute.

We also decided to take a few mug shots. We had a few minutes to kill before story and bath time:)

(She is off her oxygen while she is awake and during feedings)

The mugshots are great! Isn't having them on a sleeping schedule great! Just wait till they sleep 6 or more hours at a stretch, you will feel like a new person!
Congratulations on such beautiful babies!
MOM to 21month gggg quads
I love it!!! So nice to see some activity on the blog. It was great to see you guys at church today! Glad you were able to get out for a little while.
They are all very adorable. The sleep schedule is great.
Thanks for the book tip. I'll have to check it out. We have quads on the way. Very cute pics of the babies too.
I love that you guys are back to blogging! The quads look great and aren't sleeping schedules wonderful! Sounds like you had a great anniversary. 6 years! Goes by so fast. We miss you guys:)
What adorable pictures! They are all getting so big, I can't believe it! And YAY for Lauren that she is off her oxygen during the day. What great news. She is such a strong little girl.
I also read and LOVED "Healthy Sleep Habits". I have applied the principles taught in that book with William and it helped us get him on a great schedule too. LOVE that book!
I'm so impressed with your babies and their awesome sleep---all the way through the night!! Awesome! And way to go to have them on such great schedules. You are a pro.
Love you,
It's SO good to see how the babies are growing! Thank you for the updates! I'm so happy for your family, and that everyone is on the good road. Many blessings for your group, and continued prayers for excellent health.
Hey guys!! I love all the recent posts. I can't believe how BIG the babies are getting. It's only been like 6 weeks since we saw them last and they look like completely different babies!! These pictures are sooo CUTE!! How awesome that they're sleeping through the night too. Tiff, nice work on surprising Jon with the Cubby game. Glad to hear you guys had a great time in Chi-town!
Hey Tiff!! (and Jon although I don't really know you haha)
I worked with Kassie today for the first time in a looong time so I got to talk to her about the quads! I just wanted to tell you how happy for you I am.. your babies are absolutely beautiful!! I'm so glad they are all doing so great :) Maybe someday I'll get to see them!!
Congratulations :)
What cute mugshots. They look so beautiful and healthy!! Isn't it great when your children get on a sleep schedule. I only have one and I was super excited, I can only image how happy you are!! HA!
Hope you had a great time in NYC!
I nominated you for a blog award...check my blog!
tiffany, i live by that book. the earlier i put carson to bed, the later he wakes up in the morning. i love it! plus then i have free time at night! i am sure you enjoy the free time. congratulations, again. it is so nice to see that they are doing so well!!
Don't you love that book? It is a lifesaver for parents of multiples - the author was our twins' pediatrician at Northwestern 18 years ago! It saved me back then and its principles still hold true today!!
(and, I think it has helped them continue to be great sleepers!)
Your kids look great!
Colleen Curran
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