We have had a very busy week!! Monday we went to
Urbana to see Dr. Lowery to follow up on their eyes. The babies did great! We left the house around 1:00 so they could sleep in the car during their second nap time. The eye appointment took around an 1 1/2
because they had to
dilate their eyes 20
mins. before seeing Dr. Lowery. The first set of drops went great, but they knew what to expect the 2
nd time and needless to say they were not as happy. They did great, though!! It was just hard
because there was no where for them to go. I was not about to let them start crawling around on the ground, YIKES!! Jon and I took turns holding them and trying to keep their attention. Reese and Lauren do not have to come back!! Their eyes are doing great! I was nervous for Lauren since she was on the vent for so long that there could be eye trouble. (A severe side effect can be blindness) Thank you God!!! We are truly blessed everyday!! Gavin and Maggie both are a little far sided. Dr. Lowery believes they will outgrow this, he will see them back in a year.
We went back to
Urbana on Thursday to see Dr. Morton to follow up on their development. This appointment was in the morning. There was no way our babies were going to be able to sit in their car seats for another two hrs. So this time I disinfected the room
completely and laid down a huge blanket. It worked out so well. I am sure the nurses
probably thought I was crazy for setting up camp, but our babies were much happier. I have to say Jon is the best dad!! Not many dad's could keep three hungry and tired babies busy while I was with Dr. Morton during each babies checkup. Everyone at Dr. Morton's office was so impressed with how well the babies are doing. The Pt thought they would just be starting to sit. Reese and Maggie checked out with flying colors. Dr. Morton would like to see Gavin gain a little weight to keep up with his height. He would like for Lauren to see a nutritionist. She also has a little low tone in her trunk that he thinks she will out grow. I am still doing extra
exercises with her to increase her strength!! Please pray that area will get stronger!!!!
I have also added another link to blogs we follow. It is
Kayleigh's story, she was born at 1lb 1oz. and is 6mos. old and still in the
nicu. Please keep her in your prayers at night!!!!! She seems to be quite the little fighter.
Here are a couple of photos from today:)

Gavin riding his bear. He is a tough one to catch smiling!!

Now Reese will always smile for a picture!

Gavin just took Maggie's pacifier

Lauren, she is so sweet. She is trying soooo hard to crawl. She gets so frustrated because her siblings are everywhere and she wants to keep up! It breaks my heart!!!

Maggie got her first bruise today. She was looking out the front window and fell. It is hard to see here, but it is on her left cheek.
Just found your blog. Your babies are precious! I have a quad Lauren as well.
Hey girl! I called you earlier today (I can't imagine that you are too busy to answer your phone!!).
So happy to see an update tonight. I know exactly what you're saying with the cleanliness of the doctor's office. We never, ever let Molly and Owen crawl around. Yuck! I'm with you on that one, girl. We have to be careful with our fragile ones.
Give me a call when you get a chance.
Only 1 short month and your babies are 1 year old. Holy Smokes! Time is FLYING by. We're doing a Thing 1 Thing 2 theme for Molly and Owen. I'll send you pics!
Love, Jessica Stranz
I can't believe the quads are almost a year old! They all look so happy and healthy and way too cute. You look GREAT too...you have not aged since high school!
I love reading your blog.
Hope all is well.
I as well can't believe that your angels are almost a year old!!! They look so healthy and full of spunk!
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